First of all, let’s brew the question,” What does a like mean?”. For Instagram, it indicated the level of engagement the post has generated. Engagement level is then used to by Insta’s algorithm and posts with better likes to follower ratio appear more frequently on other follower’s feeds.
But the real question is, was it a pat on the back for the person who posted or mere adoration /attachment that compelled you to like the post in the first place?
At this point, I question the need for the existence of the option tohow to see what someone likes on insta. This is because what is expresses is not very clear. There is no option to dislike posts and the logic that no need to spread hatred, if you don’t like it you can comment but that will most probably get buried, removed or ignored. In the end, it won’t count. What will get counted are the likes. It’s like tea-lover vs Coffee brewers, there is no end to this conversation and the only way to end it is with a refill.
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From fathers’ day to #ootd (outfit of the day), from beach vacations to wedding shenanigans, you post it all on Instagram. We share the tiniest of achievements and the biggest of celebrations with our virtual friends. Staying connected by following each other is the new norm. Instagram is now not just a social network building platform, it is an essential part of your daily life. This is a easy way to get more likes and get popular.
It’s not the end of all Likes
Easy people, I’m not saying that a person should analyze every post’s from every perspective. It’s not a test. But being wiser towards some posts won’t hurt anybody. You’re not an Instagram Bot. Your like counts. It counts because it’s authentic, well-meaning and can’t be compared to money-bought likes. It’s magic. So, next time you’re on Instagram, instead of using it as a distraction, have fun. Spend a couple of extra seconds on every post, mean what you like and a comment if you can. Everybody can use some magic and an extra way tobuy cheap instagram followersanyway.
Instagram is amazing. You can travel to the ends of many experiences and places you never knew existed, plus much more. I can say a lot more but what’s more important is for you to think.